Join the NPIS

The learned society of NPIs - NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL INTERVENTION SOCIETY - is a general interest association under the 1901 law whose resources are exclusively allocated to scientific works of a disinterested nature.

C'est une organisation indépendante à vocation internationale, favorisant la recherche et l’innovation dans les INM et rassemblant tous les acteurs de la filière.

Below you will find our 2025 membership rates:

Student membership

20 € /year
justification to provide

  • → Access to the NPIS website, 'members' area and collaborative spaces
  • → Newsletter
  • → Reduction on registration fees for events organized by the NPIS and by associated partners as part of a reciprocity agreement

Subscribe as a student

Member subscription

50 € /year

  • → Access to the NPIS website, 'members' area and collaborative spaces
  • → Newsletter
  • → Reduction on registration fees for events organized by the NPIS and by associated partners as part of a reciprocity agreement
